“Perfection” vs. “Reality”

We are looking for “natural” in a very artificial world.
We are looking for “simple” in a very complex world.
We are looking for “pure” in a very polluted world.
We are looking for “slow” in a very fast-paced world.
We are looking for “relaxed” in a chronically stressed world.
We are looking for “healthy” in a very sick world.

We need to remember that most of us generally don’t function in a very natural world.
We’ve been subjects to many unnatural factors for many generations.
Highly processed foods, polluted environments, stressful lifestyles – we are the end products of it all.
What does it mean from the practical point of view? It means that sometimes, even following the best, most optimal and natural approach may not bring forward the exact, expected results we would like to see.
Changing our lifestyle will certainly create a lot of improvements in its overall quality, however looking for perfection would be a little unrealistic.

Therefore take your time introducing changes. Enjoy small successes. Don’t anticipate solving all your issues within a week or two. Think how long it took you to get you to where you are now.
Just do and try to find a way to enjoy the process of doing it.

What can you do?

Meditate – it will provide a measure of a slower pace, calm and stress release, emotion control and a wider, deeper perspective on things in general.
Exercise – it will diminish stress, provide better mental and physical functionality, overall better mood and a feeling of well-being, improvement of metabolic and hormonal health.
Eat natural, unprocessed, real food – it will provide the necessary building blocks for a healthy body and mind.
Fast periodically – it will provide an opportunity for healing and regeneration.
Reestablish your natural sleeping patterns – it will provide support for your immune system and mental and physical restoration.
Spend time in Nature – exposure to natural elements will exercise and strengthen your body’s defence systems and thermoregulation mechanisms, and recharge your inner mental batteries.

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