Primal Tao – system without the system.

Dieting or exercising is unnatural.

It is only because most of us live the way we do that we need to create systems that prompt us to move, eat etc. in a “special, better” way.

For most of the human history, our daily activities were shaped by the natural environment. Since we’ve greatly altered our environment we no longer understand the genetic predispositions of our body and mind that ensure optimal functioning.

Before the development of agriculture, civilization and industrialization, we used to experience intermittent periods of feasting (especially prized were all animal foods including fat, organs and bones), intervals of food scarcity – resulting in fasting, brief intense physical exertion and exposure to natural elements like water, air, sun and earth.

Primal Tao practices reintroduce these natural patterns into our lifestyle within the context of today’s modern life.

Pre-industrial foods – what would you eat to survive in the area where you live if there were no grocery stores? SLOW foods. Nutrient dense foods. Modern “foods” to avoid.

S easonal

L ocal

O rganic

W holesome

Mental training – the importance of meditation and mind cultivation in the world of over-abundance of dis-information, confusion, depression and the lack of meaning.

Regenerative training – occasional practice of forgoing food..

Physical training – daily physical activity (walking, gardening, stretching, Tai Chi, Yoga etc.) vs High Intensity Training, sprints, cold and heat body conditioning

The importance of sleep, rest, contact with Nature etc.

Primal Tao is the way of nature.

Primal Tao is not a system.

There can be as many expressions of Primal Tao as there are people expressing it.

Primal Tao aspires to imitate Nature. Align with Nature. Be part of Nature. To simplify rather then complicate. To minimize rather then maximize. To subtract rather then to add.

                    “To pursue learning is to increase daily.

To practice the Way is to decrease daily . . .”       

                                        Tao Te Ching

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