
Mindfulness in the face of madness.

Mindfulness in the face of madness.

The time is coming to test our choices, beliefs, principles, practices, our place in the world. It was easy for us not to worry when the human madness happened far away from us. It was easy for us to think that it would never happen to us. Now we are facing a new situation. Now we are faced with the crowning madness of civilization – war.  Today it’s a war across the border. Tomorrow? ...[Read More]

The practice of KAN

The practice of KAN

One of the practices in Primal Tao (Tao of Nature) training is working on our daily attitude towards ourselves, our surroundings, and towards others.  We call it the practice of KAN – Kindness, Appreciation and Now. Frequently, we do not realise how much of our perception of the world comes from our own thinking and acting in this world. We do not realise that everything we think, say and do ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Mind

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Mind

How many times do we hear the story of never-ending to-do-lists, things to take care of, projects to complete, deadlines to meet, unfinished errands, etc? How many times our head is overflowing with never-ending streams of thoughts, plans, worries – an incessant noise and activity. We can easily notice an interesting phenomenon nowadays – overstimulation of the mind and under-stimulati ...[Read More]

Qigong – Tai Chi – Yoga (and many other modalities) – why is it worth practicing?

Qigong – Tai Chi – Yoga (and many other modalities) – why is it worth practicing?

When somebody asked me some twenty years ago: “What is Qigong or Tai Chi? – without any doubt, in just a few minutes I could precisely explain the goals and characteristics of these practices. Since I had “already” been a devoted practitioner for a couple of years, I was convinced that I knew everything there was to be known about the subject.  A few years later I was asked the question agai ...[Read More]

Life as a continuous act of cultivation.

Life as a continuous act of cultivation.

Every day I cultivate my life experience. I like to think of the word “cultivate” as “do”. What I do is what I develop and strengthen. How I live every day influences the way I will live in the future. How I live every day determines how I feel about the past. What I do every day but more importantly how I do it, is a choice easy to forget that I have. Am I kind or rude? Ta ...[Read More]

Minimalism – the incredible lightness of being.

Minimalism – the incredible lightness of being.

The world around us, our schools, businesses, governments, parents, they all us teach us how we need to have more, achieve more, be more. Minimalism teaches us how to have enough. What is enough? It is a state of being when we feel contentment with what is, with what we have. In a way, it is not very different from the lofty ideas of enlightenment or happiness, ideas of being present and happy her ...[Read More]

Everyday cultivation of quality.

Everyday cultivation of quality.

Every single day you wake up in some place, you wake up in some body, you wake up in some mind and you begin to tell yourself your own story from the beginning, again. You remember where you are. You remember who you are. You remember what you need to do. Remember. It is a nice word but do you realize that human memory is re-created over and over again every time we try to “remember” something?! W ...[Read More]

Vipassana – again… (memories from the past)

Vipassana – again…  (memories from the past)

Vipassana – again… This time my destiny led me to the birthplace of Buddha – the town of Lumbini in Nepal. A small place visited by Buddhist pilgrims from all over the world ( there are estimated 350 million Buddhists worldwide ). A relatively small area became a construction grounds for Buddhist monasteries representing different branches of Buddhism. From Japan and China to  Sr ...[Read More]



Every day I try to remember to appreciate every moment. Every day I try to remember how lucky I am. Every day I try to remember what a privilege it is to have food, water, roof over my head, shower, refrigerator, health, freedom, education, family, friends, time and much, much more! Every day I try to remember not to get irritated by the little inconveniences that life provides from time to time. ...[Read More]

Eustress and Distress – Yin and Yang of health cultivation.

Eustress and Distress – Yin and Yang of health cultivation.

There are many different aspects of our health and well-being. Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, social, environmental. Our cognitive and intellectual abilities. Our physical functionality. Our mental and emotional attitudes, patterns, habits, conditioning. Our social interactions and exchanges. Our environmental influences: the water we drink, the food we eat, the place we live in, the area ...[Read More]

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