Healthy habits

The Way of Nature

The Way of Nature

When you’re lost, look for answers in Nature. When you’re stressed out, go to Nature. When you don’t know what to do, imitate Nature. You are a part of Nature. Nature is a part of you. It has always been so. Nature didn’t disconnect from you. We disconnected from Nature. We forgot where we had come from. When you have doubts ask yourself: How is my decision or my action goi ...[Read More]

The value of discomfort.

The value of discomfort.

We seem to try to avoid any discomfort no matter what. While some discomforts are worth avoiding, some natural challenges are worth having. It is too easy to forget how wonderful a full stomach can feel. It is easy to forget to appreciate a set of warm clothes suited to the weather. It is easy to forget the convenience of a toilet. It is easy to take for granted fresh, running water. It is easy no ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Kitchen

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Kitchen

The concept of the “Empty Kitchen” is connected to the quality of fuel we supply our bodies with. Many, if not most of the foods we buy today at the supermarket did not exist one hundred years ago. The value of the food we consume nowadays seems to come more from convenience and flavor than its nutritional vitality.  In order to recover or maintain optimal health, we need to empty our kitchens of ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Stomach.

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Stomach.

The principle of the “empty stomach” has to do with the frequency, volume and timing of our food consumption. If we take a closer look at Nature, just like the ancient practitioners of Tao did, we will notice that it is quite common that animals will go through periods of hunger. It can be caused by the seasonality of certain foods, animal migratory patterns or simply the natural cycle ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Mind

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Mind

How many times do we hear the story of never-ending to-do-lists, things to take care of, projects to complete, deadlines to meet, unfinished errands, etc? How many times our head is overflowing with never-ending streams of thoughts, plans, worries – an incessant noise and activity. We can easily notice an interesting phenomenon nowadays – overstimulation of the mind and under-stimulati ...[Read More]

Life as a continuous act of cultivation.

Life as a continuous act of cultivation.

Every day I cultivate my life experience. I like to think of the word “cultivate” as “do”. What I do is what I develop and strengthen. How I live every day influences the way I will live in the future. How I live every day determines how I feel about the past. What I do every day but more importantly how I do it, is a choice easy to forget that I have. Am I kind or rude? Ta ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties

Tao of the Four Empties

There are countless ways to approach our health and wellbeing. Some people are inclined to follow the mainstream guidelines, others like to experiment on themselves. In an era of the internet, we have access to an unbelievable amount of health systems from many diverse cultures. It is only a question of what we like and what works for us. Many years ago, while studying books on Qigong, Tai Chi and ...[Read More]

The hidden aliases of sugar.

The hidden aliases of sugar.

In 1983 Annie Lennox (Eurythmics) sang:   “Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody’s looking for something…”   Well, nowadays it seems like everybody is looking for something… sweet. And for a good reason. Did you know that sugar can be more addicting than cocaine? When we eat sugar, opioids and dopamine are released. Res ...[Read More]

Life is complicated enough. Simplify what you can. Especially your daily habits. Healthy = Natural = Simple

Life is complicated enough. Simplify what you can. Especially your daily habits. Healthy = Natural = Simple

Kids do it. Birds do it. Your dog and cat do it. Sometimes 40-50 times a day. Since we sit so much, we tend to forget how important it is to pandiculate – contract and extend the muscle or better yet – the entire muscle group as often as possible. This is how we can get rid of excessive tension accumulating in our body as a result of a lack of movement. Pandiculation resets the muscles ...[Read More]

“Perfection” vs. “Reality”

“Perfection” vs. “Reality”

We are looking for “natural” in a very artificial world. We are looking for “simple” in a very complex world. We are looking for “pure” in a very polluted world. We are looking for “slow” in a very fast-paced world. We are looking for “relaxed” in a chronically stressed world. We are looking for “healthy” in a very sick world. We need to remember that most of us generally don’t function in a very ...[Read More]

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