
Tao of Nature.

Tao of Nature.

Since the beginning of time, humans have been exposed to hunger, demanding physical activities and natural elements like cold, sun, rain etc. We used to consume what Nature provided and we used to spend all of our time outdoors. In modern times we’ve almost completely forgotten our connection to the natural world, as well as the connection to our own selves. As a result we no longer know what the ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Stomach.

Tao of the Four Empties – the Empty Stomach.

The principle of the “empty stomach” has to do with the frequency, volume and timing of our food consumption. If we take a closer look at Nature, just like the ancient practitioners of Tao did, we will notice that it is quite common that animals will go through periods of hunger. It can be caused by the seasonality of certain foods, animal migratory patterns or simply the natural cycle ...[Read More]

Tao of the Four Empties

Tao of the Four Empties

There are countless ways to approach our health and wellbeing. Some people are inclined to follow the mainstream guidelines, others like to experiment on themselves. In an era of the internet, we have access to an unbelievable amount of health systems from many diverse cultures. It is only a question of what we like and what works for us. Many years ago, while studying books on Qigong, Tai Chi and ...[Read More]

“Perfection” vs. “Reality”

“Perfection” vs. “Reality”

We are looking for “natural” in a very artificial world. We are looking for “simple” in a very complex world. We are looking for “pure” in a very polluted world. We are looking for “slow” in a very fast-paced world. We are looking for “relaxed” in a chronically stressed world. We are looking for “healthy” in a very sick world. We need to remember that most of us generally don’t function in a very ...[Read More]

“Constant grazing is not natural for humans. We should experience a feeling of being a little hungry EVERYDAY.” – Primal Tao

“Constant grazing is not natural for humans.  We should experience a feeling of being a little hungry EVERYDAY.” – Primal Tao

“There are, in fact, no species of animal, humans included, that have evolved to require three meals a day, every day.” excerpt from: “The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss.” by Jason Fung Many cultures included some forms of fasting in their spiritual practices. Christian, Muslim, Native American or Taoist, all of these traditions incorporated fasting practices into their w ...[Read More]

The feeling of hunger and triggering autophagy.

The feeling of hunger and triggering autophagy.

In 2016 Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize for discovering the mechanisms of autophagy- the process of absorbing old, broken, malfunctioning cells and utilizing them for energy. Autophagy literally means self-eating. It is a body’s way of cleaning up and recycling of our cellular debris. The great news is that it is relatively easy to activate this process. Yes, you must have guessed it by ...[Read More]

Hormesis aka daily challenges.

Hormesis aka daily challenges.

We all want to have as little stress as we can but we need to understand that a little bit of stress can be not only useful but necessary for normal functioning of our mind and body. HORMESIS is a process through which moderate stress creates a body response that makes it more resistant to attacks of external or internal agents, promoting a better quality and more robust health. It has been notice ...[Read More]



Movement as an integral part of life is the important principle of Primal Tao.  Ask yourself every day: what have I done today for my body? Ask yourself every day: what have I done today for my mind? You are wrong if you think that if you live a sedentary lifestyle, an occasional session in the gym will allow you to maintain your functionality and health. You are wrong if you think that doing some ...[Read More]

What is Primal Tao?

What is Primal Tao?

When you get up early in the morning and feel like stretching, moving, being active – this is Primal Tao. When you understand that cold, hunger, physical or mental effort, gentle stress, in general, are your allies – this is Primal Tao. When you understand the importance of eating mostly real food (not processed commercially) and only when you feel truly hungry – this is Primal T ...[Read More]

What if?

What if?

What if the many “truths” we take for granted are not necessarily what they claim to be?! What if what the doctors or food industry or big pharma have been telling (selling) us is not necessarily the best for us?! What if we take part of responsibility for our health in our own hands? Educate ourselves. Experiment. Learn. What if we actually KNOW what is good for our own health and well-being? Are ...[Read More]

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